Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Ok so, i spent the last couple of days getting my Etsy listings ready for my store! Ladies, there are some real little cuties in there and looking at the photos i can't help but feel a bubble of pride in my belly (well i hope it's pride...LOL). I want to wait and put them all up together so please keep your eyes peeled cos there will be a tornado of new clippies and bands coming in this week:o) I've given a little taster!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Weekend!

Ok so i went and stayed with my friend fot the weekend which means........... i got absolutely NOTHING done.! Do ya ever just have times like that??? I always have the greatest intentions to get it all done and 2 weeks later i'm still no closer:o( I wanted to get my Etsy shop all stocked up last week and it's still empty! I've taken pictures of a lot of my stuff and edited them and got them ready but they're just sitting on my laptop cos i always find listing items time consuming.. Oh well, maybe i'll get it all done this week..........like i said.........Great intentions:o)

Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm a HUGE dufuss!!!!!!!!!

Ok so this will tell what an inexperienced blogger i am!!!!!!!

I didn't realise that i had comments on my post til now..........LOL!!!! To the lovely girls who left me comments i am so sorry but i only just saw them and thank you so much for leaving them. I'm really only getting into this but i'll get there. I signed up to twitter the other night and i've decided to leave it for a while cos i wanna concentrate on this:o) I have a vision........lol!!!!

The Cutest Blog On The Block!

SO what do ya think of my new background!!!!!!!!!?? I got it on this website....... www.thecutestblogontheblock.com

There are tonnes of backgrounds to choose from. THere are also banners and other things. GO there and have a look around. I really like it:o)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Nothing, nada, zilch:o(

SO i've had a very very quiet couple of weeks! I haven't done one thing on the crafting front so i'm totally looking forward to getting loads done over the next few days. I have all sorts of ideas for clippies that i wanna make. I should be writing all down but i haven't even had the time to do that. On the bright side..........my car is spotless. I was like a psycho cleaning lady this evening cleaning it. I was sitting on the pavement outside my house on the ground with my vacuum cleaner cleaning the mats from inside the car and people kept grinning at me as they walked past. In my defense, my car was never so dirty. It took me all of 3 hours to clean it!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, told ya i had no news.LOL!!!! Back again tomorrow and hopefully i'll have 50 million clippies made............sigh!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

FOE headband tutorial

Ok my dears.....

As promised, here is a link to the FOE headband tutorial i made for the Hip girl clips forum:


It is EXTREMELY easy to make and they're definately the softest headband you could possibly have for a baby or toddlers little head. I can tell you that my one year old doesn't even know she has it in her hair when she wears it. Totally comfortable and silky soft:o)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I've Been MIA!

For all my followers i apologise. I haven't been giving my business any attention due to the recent tragic death of a friend. I am slowly getting back online so don't give up on me. I'll be posting a tutorial to make FOE headbands in the next day or 2 so keep watch. This is a really easy one:o) Until then, ciao!